9 Things That Annoy Your Own Drum Teacher Orlando Drummer

Kerry Jacobson

Written by Kerry Jacobson I've been supplying private lessons for quite a while. In more recent decades as I've pushed my business in an online direction, I've had the ability to scale back my personal lessons. In reality, I teach privately 1 day instead of 6 times per week when I began. I much prefer it like that.

I enjoy having less pupils altogether, as it permits me to actually focus on the few students that I do have. I am fortunate to be able to choose students that I wish to work with long term, so I find the standard of the teacher/student relationship is higher than average.

However, this isn't the case for instructors. The drum instructor's salary does not allow for this kind of exclusivity. It had been that I had been posting Craiglist ads each day to acquire students that are new. I remember being not able to turn away anyone, because I needed every pupil (and dollar) that I can get. With that said, I had experiences.

It was during that period that I found the selection of topics between teachers and pupils that may disrupt the learning experience all of which are preventable.

The intention of the list is to serve as a satirical guideline for both pupils and teachers engaging in music lessons. Let us begin.

1. Tardiness

This is a problem that exists in most appointment. The issue is, you're buying . If your instructor has another students coming in right there is not much which can be done if you're late.

For pupils who are regularly late (you know who you are) a good compromise would be to schedule lessons in your flexible day. I've had students who were 5 minutes and hoped that I would be able to extend our lesson to compose the moment. By scheduling these students it is possible to come across a bit more wiggle room to accommodate them.

That's called being flexible, and you're going to keep students longer if their habits are adjusted to by you, in reason. This is the main reason many students head to a truly private instructor, and leave education ; they search a flexibility that music stores can't offer.

If you are a student, occasionally you have to keep in mind that you are among the many pupils. Respecting another student's time, and the time of your drum teacher is all part of being in that community.

2. Not Practicing

Quite often, a teacher's first question in a lesson is how was practice this

The 1 answer that makes us cringe each moment, is that I didn't practice this week.âThere is never an excuse for not trying, but it is just worsened when you've reserved an hour to find something new, but didn't bother to understand last week's stuff.

You place your drum instructor in a position, by not practicing. The matter is, we all know that transferring onâ$ is not really an alternative. We give you definite material because (in our heads ) it is exactly what you should be working on at the moment. If a student chooses not to work on such a material, it may be hard not to take it. We hand picked on you that material; expect us now and find out it.

If your drum instructor is taking the opportunity to deliver fresh material to your own lesson show them the respect and invest some time with that material at home. We'll both feel good.

3. Not Asking Questions

I have a good friend named Ricky, who's a phenomenal guitar instructor and Berklee graduate. Sometimes we will talk to the phone, and he once told me he was not pleased with any of his newest students.â$ When I asked him why, he just responded they don't have any curiosity.â$

He implied that he chose to work with pupils that have a real interest in learning their instrument. He needed his pupils to ask him questions, and that I can remember realizing I also disliked when my pupils had nothing to ask me. I can tell you that I partially judge a student's need they bring to the lesson every week.

You know how on a job interview you're supposed to have a question concerning the company/job to your interviewer? Same thing. Questions demonstrate your passion, and they ought to be easy if you engaging with your teacher, to ask, and excited about the topic.

4. Rescheduling

No-brainer here, but it clearly had to create the list. Rescheduling is a huge problem that music instructors know all too well.

The issue is, again, bought time. It's important for students to remember they have booked a window of time. It's ideal that this time functions for both the instructor and student but life can get in the way.

Certainly emergencyâ$ reschedules are acceptable. Automobile accidents, sickness, deaths, etc.. Outside of these types of situations, a teacher can takes personally a cancelled lesson, therefore communication is valuable.

A word of advice to students who try reschedule. You will have no problems from the scheduling department with your instructor if you adhere to this rule!

With the exclusion of emergencies that are legitimate, there is only 1 time you must adjust your lesson schedule; at your next lesson.

5. Teaching Another time to a lesson

There are a few different reasons why a instructor might need to teach a lesson another time, although this comes back to a lack of practice in most situations. Times teachers, privately drum lessons will proceed under the assumption that the student has learned the lesson of the previous week, with substance that is new.

There are two sides to this story. Years ago, I once told a student I didn't wish to back trackâ$ to an older issue that we had studied. He told me that he did not keep in mind that old material well, though we had most certainly already had private classes on that specific topic before.

It was then I realized that I had made a mistake. In this particular scenario, I never asked my student the substance went because of him. I didn't check up on his progress, and for that reason, I had to teach him.

That said, I now believe in a healthy balance. The responsibilty of studying material does fall on the student. If your drum instructor is not hyper aware of your progress every week, you might choose to discuss ramping up the liability. As teachers, we must make a effort to concentrate to lesson. The more liability you provide, the more likely you'll see your pupils shine and grow. This fosters trust, which we will touch on shortly.

6. Babysitting

Have you ever seen someone try to give a to a toddler? Its really, really awkward.

Let us be fair. There are Enough to handle the experience. I believe that is true about courses. Notice I did not say this is about drumming accurate. (I desperately wish somebody had put me onto a kit once I was 3. Do not we all wish we began sooner?)

I find there are not many exceptional kids under the age of 6 that must choose lessons that are personal. Now, to this dayI receive questions about teaching children as young as age 4, but I never let those folks that their kid is too young for a drummer. Is give them limitless exposure to the instrument, I believe the best thing you can do for a youthful, soon-to-be drummer, Even though there are exceptions.

Could that mean purchasing them a baby drum collection? Yep. Could that mean playing with them various styles of songs? Sure. Each kid is different, but for my long term sanity, I now choose to work with students aged 15 and up. Its not an issue of wrong or right; its a matter of understanding I can best serve my pupils personally, and what works for me. When parents of young kids approach me for lessons, I simply tell them to foster the passion that they view in their child, and I direct them in the very best manner I can; whether that be helping them shop a small drum set, or even locating them a teacher who prefers to educate kids. It took me decades to learn how to say noâ feels better than a paycheck could!

I believe each drum teacher needs to have their own cut off age. If you are the type of drum teacher who enjoys working with young children - MAN, can we use more of you guys! Childhood Education is a subject of its own, and that I think its right that instructors set their age limits to accept money for supplying courses that are genuine; not babysitting services.

7. Gear adjusters

After I had a new student arrive into my house studio for a lesson. He walked in, and immediately says I am gonna need to correct this kit.â$ He precedes to detune my trap, angle my toms, and place all of my cymbals to Travis Barker heights. I was a really miserable teacher. I am sure the lesson wasn't my very best.

Here is the thing. If the man said Hey guy and had walked in, I am a huge Travis Barker fan, and I am quite utilized to having my drums set up this wayâ$ I would have turned into the studio upside down for him. My student's comfort level through a is critical, so I gladly adjust my drums to adapt whatever they're utilized to.

That doesn't imply that my drum set isn't my child. Some of us can get angry at the idea of somebody tampering around with our babies, If those instincts kick in. Line - constantly ask before adjusting the gear of anyone. It's likely that you're on someone else's kit unless you are taking drum lessons in your own home. Respect that somebody else earned that drum likely uses it more than you, set, and has up set it perfect. Ask. Ask. Ask. The answer will be yes.â$

And for my teachers, please be open and willing to accomodate the gear of your student requirements, no matter how silly they may be. Bear in mind that long term student/teacher relationships are inclined to allow you to curveâ$ your student's viewpoints. When my students want their Hi hats up with their own chin, I often times don't mention a word. However, I provide them syncopated 2 hand hat groove exercises, and wait till they figure out exactly what the problem is.

8. Haggling

Here is something I thought I'd never encounter. A student says I know X price is said by your advertisement, but I was wondering if you would take Y instead.â $, and then completes a lesson


I believe its safe to state that in the field of private instruction (be it in person or Skype) all rates are non-negotiable. The instructor price is what you pay. This doesn't mean that every conversation about payment needs to be embarrassing and rigid. Let me clarify how I developed my own pricing strategy.

I discovered that I got different asks for how pupils wanted to cover lessons. Credit cards, cash, PayPal, Venmo, or checks. 90 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, or 60 minutes. Weekly, monthly, or even payments.

I chose to incorporate some helpful payment options; all of which provide the student an opportunity. I provide good pricing for lessons , better pricing for monthly lessons, and also the pricing that is best is for students that are prepaid that are quarterly.

The version helps to encourage students to research more with you. It gives you a slight advantage over the big providers, which rarely provide these kinds of options, and also promotes long term dedication incentive.

I understand when I say that commitment from a student has some price, all educators can relate. Experimenting with long term (discounted) prepaid courses is great way to meet in the midst; conserving the pupil cash and placing the instructor's mind at ease.

9. Deficiency of trust

The best for last! Trust is at the center of most of our relationships. In an educational setting, you'll find little can be achieved without trust. This hope primarily needs to come to the instructor, from the student. The learning process virtually stops altogether when their teacher is doubted by a student.

I've learned how important it is that there be a drum instructor trustworthy. That is hard to specify however from an instructor's standpoint to see where you're able to drop the chunk. It appears every other personal lesson I've, I'm asked a question that I can't answer off the top of my head. Rather than dodging this question, I quickly say I have no idea, let's figure it out!â$

In my experience, I have needed to make a conscious effort that which I don't, and as an educator to be clear in what I understand. Pupils are interested (especially the good ones) and they might corner you in an area of research you aren't knowledgeable about. That is okay! But be honest, and show them that they'll never be misled by you in their own journey.

For pupils, if there is 1 thing you should find in your teacher, it needs to be trustworthiness. Your best interests will be constantly followed by A educator. An honest instructor will learn with you, and give you genuine guidance in all that you study. Trust is the glue which has held along my lasting relationships along with the progress that can be created when that link is there, is something quite real and unique.

I hope you enjoyed this post, and thanks for reading! I ask that you check out the 220 + Video Drum Lessons while you're here. With over 75 hours of material, across all ability levels and styles of music, I am confident you will find what you love. =)